Cure Wind Cold Headache ( Jade Wind-Barrier Drink )


Cure Wind Cold Headache  

( Jade Wind-Barrier Drink )

You get a headache and a cold 

when you blow the wind ! 

How to improve your body physique  ? 

It is effective to cook and drink :  

Jade Wind-Barrier 


It is often used to prevent symptoms such as colds, allergic rhinitis, urticaria, and respiratory infections (coughs)

Jade Wind-Barrier  
( pronunciation Jade Ping Feng Drink 👄👄 ) 
Astragalus 15g,
Windproof 5g,
Atractylodes 5g
a day's amount 

Before cooking, 
wash the materials 3 ~ 4 times  : 

Add the filtered clean water   

High heat boiling, and turn to low heat keep on  boiling for 20 minutes 

Day time a bowl 
and evening a bowl. 

Take it for 3 days , 
and you need to take it in small amounts for some days to be effective. 👈💁

When feeling 
wind blow headache 😷 
or nose allergy , 
cook and drink it 
a day ( 2 bowls ) .

~ Helpful ~ 🎶✔✔


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